About Mr. Potter

My name is James Potter, and I am a 6th grade teacher at Harvest Christian Academy on the island of Guam. My desire is not only for each of my students to succeed academically, but also to grow in Christ each day. “Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are His.” – Daniel 2:20

18 Responses to About Mr. Potter

  1. Lauren R. says:

    Whoa, did this whole thing change?!

  2. Tiara says:

    I felt the earthquake shake my car!

  3. Adora E. says:

    Seriously, Mr.Potter, did u actually change the orginal “About” to this?

  4. Gavin Lee says:

    This is alot better than “Mr. Potter I can’t find the answer!” LOL 😛

  5. Adora E. says:

    So true!! 😉

  6. Amy Seo says:

    I knew this right now!!!!!!! :O

  7. Lauren R. says:

    Happy “Very-Disco” Day, 6th Grade! 😀 (Get it? Disco,very= Very Disco)

  8. Adora E. says:

    LOL Lauren!!!

  9. Adora E. says:

    Did anybody notice that we haven’t had a Special Forces mission in a long time? I mean, it’s 4th quarter, so we should at least try 2 go up a higher level in R.R. Right?

  10. anne says:

    is there gonna be a mission, anyways?

  11. Lauren R. says:

    No posts yet… IT’S BEEN OVER A MONTH! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT! Is there an long SFM(special forces mission) coming our way?

  12. anne says:

    wow…..(no offense), but summer is actually pretty boring! no missions……..

  13. Gavin Lee says:

    Lol are we still allowed to comment on here? 😛

  14. anne says:

    maybe……………. or yeah, but someone needs to answer replys……

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